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Traveling the Lifeworkx™ Way

Joshua Bixler • May 11, 2023

How to travel with your LifeworkxTM Filter on

The first half of the year is filled with traveling for Lifeworkx™. We have been to six countries (not including 2 events in the US) and have four more countries planned for the rest of 2023. Perhaps your work or lifestyle has you traveling a lot as well. In our travels, we have found that the time is more enjoyable when we travel with our Lifeworkx™ filter on. You may be asking, “what does that mean?” It means we are thinking about each interaction and person through the 4 parts of Lifeworkx™: Story, Design, Strengths, and Destiny.

Everyone has their life story, the real story, which influences who they are. And that life story influences us even more in times of stress and uncertainty. There are a lot of people, including us at times, who travel under stress and uncertainty. People may lash out at the smallest things while traveling, and the pain in their story has a part as to why they do that. When people react negatively or do and say negative things, the Lifeworkx™ way is to ask, “I wonder what their story is?” In this way, you extend grace to the person and the curiosity helps you to stay in relational mode.

People live and interact through their design, or personality. It’s obvious to see when you are looking. Sitting down next to a stranger on the plane: do they strike up a conversation with you like old friends or not even say “hi” and ignore you for the rest of the flight? There’s an easy way to see the difference of an Extrovert and Introvert of Myers Briggs. Is there a couple arguing because one is enforcing the details of the plans while the other is more carefree about the schedule? There is Myers Briggs Judging and Perceiving in conflict. Understanding that each person interacts with others is based on their personality allows you to be more accepting of their differences.

Seeing strengths in others may come more naturally to some, but the more you learn about the 34 themes that Gallup has discovered, the easier they are to see. Do you see an airline worker who is crying with and reflecting the emotions of the customer? That worker may have EmpathyTM as a natural talent. More important that guessing strengths in others is using and displaying your strengths while traveling. As you think, act, and feel through your strengths, others will see it and it inspires them to use their strengths as well.

Destiny, we all share a general destiny. 2 Corinthians 1:4 says “we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” Have you been comforted or encouraged in your travels? We encourage you to use that to do the same for others in their stress and uncertainty. We all have a specific destiny as well. How yours relates to travel, only you know. But sometimes you can see a young child absolutely fascinated by planes and pretending to be a pilot. Maybe that’s a unique insight into their destiny. It may just be the aspect of discovering a new place or being responsible for all the people on board, or adventure. Whatever the cause, the Lifeworkx™ filter will encourage the dreaming child.

Whenever the next time you travel is, we invite you to join us in traveling the Lifeworkx™ way. Look at the people around you and realize God has made each of them uniquely. Each of them has a unique Story, Design, Strength, and Destiny. In doing so, you will have more grace and acceptance towards strangers and be an inspiration and encouragement to them. Happy traveling the Lifeworkx™ way!

The EmpathyTM theme is a trademark of Gallup Inc.


By Chantelle Camareno February 21, 2021
When it comes to your life’s purpose, age matters... and it doesn’t. The moment that God breathes His pneuma -- or spirit -- into you, you have everything you need to fulfill God’s plan for your life. Can babies and young children really know and serve God? Of course! “Out of the mouth of babies and infants, you have established strength because of your foes, to still the enemy and the avenger” (Psalm 8:2). The enemy shows no mercy to the young and innocent; in fact, he targets the most vulnerable! This is why we must cover our little ones in prayer, continually singing songs of worship over them. Jesus even said that unless we become like children, we can’t enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 18:3). Children are trusting and so eager to love. They make perfect little disciples! As a teenager, you may be waiting until you’re older to find out and step into your calling. To that I say, don't wait!! Today is the day the Lord has made (Psalm 118:24). If you’re in Christ, you have every talent and spiritual blessing you need to serve God. Don’t undermine God’s power in you! There is only one Holy Spirit, and He will do mighty works in you. Yes, even as a high schooler! Teenagers are not the only ones who are prone to waiting “for the right time” to do what they know God has called them to do. Many adults might focus on their careers and think to themselves, “I’ll serve God when I retire.” Here’s the thing: you don’t know what will happen tomorrow. Life is like a mist, here today and gone tomorrow (James 4:14). You have a chance every single day to spread the gospel like a wildfire in your workplace and community. If the Holy Spirit lives inside of you, you can operate in power and love! Don’t get stuck in the ways of the world. You’ve finally retired but now it’s too late. You’re too old, tired, and no one will listen to you anyways. You’ve lost your chance. Right? Absolutely not! The Bible doesn’t give an expiration date for serving Jesus. In fact, Scripture is clear that the righteous will still bear fruit in old age (Psalm 92:14). Desire to live out the days that God has ordained for you (Psalm 139:16). If you are young and want to live out your anointing, God says to you: "Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity" (1 Timothy 4:12). If you have many years behind you and are crowned with gray hair, proclaim His might to the next generation, His power to those to come (Psalm 71:18).
By Chantelle Camareno February 10, 2021
Our God is a mediocre God He reigns from heaven above With aloofness, frailty, and judgment Our God is a mediocre God. Hold on now, those aren't the words! You must be livid right now at the sheer blasphemy. While those definitely aren't the words written by Rich Mullins in 1988 and sung by worshippers and worship leaders all over the world today, they might actually reflect what we truly believe – even if we would never admit it. When we congregate together as Christians ready to worship the Lord in song, we are eager to belt out how amazing and powerful and wonderful and awesome our God is. BUT then we go back home and allow anxiety and doubt to fester in our hearts. How will I pay the rent on time? Is my chronic pain ever going to get better? Will my son ever accept Jesus Christ? I will never be able to break my habitual sin. Now these questions and concerns are all legitimate! We are all human beings with real emotions facing unique and difficult challenges. BUT what if we didn't have to live in fear every day? Even fear over the most critical circumstances! Is it possible to have faith instead of fear when it comes to the cancer that has taken over your body? How about the fear of living in complete poverty? Or maybe the discouragement that comes from the enemy's lies and torments? If we believe that God is a mediocre God who is sitting in heaven not really doing much except for watching our lives play out and judging us for every sinful thought and action, then it certainly is not possible to have faith instead of fear. However, if we truly take to heart the lyrics that we so energetically proclaim, then we can overcome any situation, no matter the depth of despair that accompanies it! Our God is an awesome God. A God who created and sustains every cell and particle in the entire universe, filling all of creation with His glory and love. A God who parted the whole sea and allowed His people to march across its depths! A God who provided bread from heaven to satisfy His beloved ones. A God who sent His image-bearing Son to become one of us, heal the sick, raise the dead, and set people free from the claws of the evil one. If He who has authority over every mountain, sea, river, sky, bird, crawling creature, demon, principality, angel, human being, and death is truly Lord of your life, then expect Him to do way more than you ask for (Ephesians 3:20). He reigns from heaven above with wisdom, power, and love . With wisdom, He can give you creative ideas for your business so that you and your family would prosper. With power, He can heal you of the sickness that plagues you. With love, He can break you free of the sin that controls your life. Let us believe and declare that God is awesome! He is pleased by our faith (Hebrews 11:6), especially during the most daunting of our tribulations. When fear creeps in and becomes the god we bow down to, we must look it in the face and declare, "Fear, you have no place in me! I put my trust in Jesus Christ. He alone will heal and deliver me! I trust the Lord with this situation. Fear, I will not bow down to you. I am an overcomer in Jesus' name!" It is up to us to decide what we believe – is God mediocre, or is He truly awesome?
By Nathan Huntley January 3, 2021
How do you feel or think about yourself? Do you see your life, thoughts, and actions as more of a blessing or a curse? Is the impact you have in the world clear, or does it feel like you are drifting aimlessly? One of my pastors often says this: "Most of us are like the rest of us". If you're anything like me, most days feel like a mix of all the above. There are so many things out of our control that impact us, from different relationships and interactions to circumstances (2020 anyone?). The most helpful thing I've found over the course of nearly two decades to surviving and thriving is becoming more self-aware through passionately pursuing Jesus Christ. Whether you believe everything about Jesus or not, it is hard to deny how compelling His actions were and words are. In His life and death, Jesus brought together people from all manner of experience, gifting, callings, and strengths. The personalities of people who call themselves “Christians”, are as numerous as the stars, but each one is known intimately by the Lord. Psalm 139: 13-15 (ESV) states, “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth”. To be a believer in Jesus means to be a part of a global family called The Church. God made each person to operate a certain way within His church for His purposes. It should be no surprise then that there are multiple ways of expressing how each person heart resonates with God’s. Even within denominational expressions, individual traditions of spiritual formation are evident and good, “What then, brothers? When you come together, each one has a hymn, a lesson, a revelation, a tongue, or an interpretation. Let all things be done for building up” (1 Corinthians 14:26 ESV). This not only applies to the mutual building up of the church body, but also individual edification and mutual investment of the church into the personal development of every believer’s relationship with Jesus. The Goal of Lifeworkx is this: To journey alongside you in uncovering and discovering more of the person God made you to be, to impact the world for Him in a way only you can. There is nobody like you; only you have the life story, personality, gifts, and strengths you do, and it is on purpose for a purpose. Are you ready to find out?
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