Our God is a mediocre God He reigns from heaven above
With aloofness, frailty, and judgment
Our God is a mediocre God.
Hold on now, those aren't the words! You must be livid right now at the sheer blasphemy.
While those definitely aren't the words written by Rich Mullins in 1988 and sung by worshippers and worship leaders all over the world today, they might actually reflect what we truly believe – even if we would never admit it.
When we congregate together as Christians ready to worship the Lord in song, we are eager to belt out how amazing and powerful and wonderful and awesome our God is. BUT then we go back home and allow anxiety and doubt to fester in our hearts.
How will I pay the rent on time? Is my chronic pain ever going to get better? Will my son ever accept Jesus Christ? I will never be able to break my habitual sin.
Now these questions and concerns are all legitimate! We are all human beings with real emotions facing unique and difficult challenges.
BUT what if we didn't have to live in fear every day? Even fear over the most critical circumstances! Is it possible to have faith instead of fear when it comes to the cancer that has taken over your body? How about the fear of living in complete poverty? Or maybe the discouragement that comes from the enemy's lies and torments?
If we believe that God is a mediocre God who is sitting in heaven not really doing much except for watching our lives play out and judging us for every sinful thought and action, then it certainly is not possible to have faith instead of fear.
However, if we truly take to heart the lyrics that we so energetically proclaim, then we can overcome any situation, no matter the depth of despair that accompanies it!
Our God is an awesome God.
A God who created and sustains every cell and particle in the entire universe, filling all of creation with His glory and love. A God who parted the whole sea and allowed His people to march across its depths! A God who provided bread from heaven to satisfy His beloved ones. A God who sent His image-bearing Son to become one of us, heal the sick, raise the dead, and set people free from the claws of the evil one.
If He who has authority over every mountain, sea, river, sky, bird, crawling creature, demon, principality, angel, human being, and death is truly Lord of your life, then expect Him to do way more than you ask for (Ephesians 3:20).
He reigns from heaven above with wisdom, power, and love. With wisdom, He can give you creative ideas for your business so that you and your family would prosper. With power, He can heal you of the sickness that plagues you. With love, He can break you free of the sin that controls your life.
Let us believe and declare that God is awesome! He is pleased by our faith (Hebrews 11:6), especially during the most daunting of our tribulations. When fear creeps in and becomes the god we bow down to, we must look it in the face and declare, "Fear, you have no place in me! I put my trust in Jesus Christ. He alone will heal and deliver me! I trust the Lord with this situation. Fear, I will not bow down to you. I am an overcomer in Jesus' name!"
It is up to us to decide what we believe – is God mediocre, or is He truly awesome?